Together We Are


Uniting passions, creating change!!

Be the part of Elite Club!

About Us

Know Us

Elite Club is a vibrant and dynamic community dedicated to the intersection of empathy, leadership development, and impactful community service. Comprising a diverse tapestry of individuals aged 18 and above, it shares a common passion for social engagement, personal growth, and contributing to the greater good. The club firmly believes in the power of collective efforts and recognizes the transformative potential of individuals working together toward a common goal.

It actively engages in a broad spectrum of charitable initiatives, ranging from Food Donation and Education to Environmental Conservation and beyond. Its commitment extends beyond individual efforts, as it firmly believes that addressing these vital aspects is integral to the holistic betterment of our community and society at large. Through its diverse range of initiatives, it aims to contribute meaningfully to societal well-being, fostering positive change and leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and service.

Elite Club
Elite CLub Articles

Know Our Past Projects

Raincoat Donation

Spreading Warmth and Protection : Elite Club provided raincoats to 50+ individuals in need.


Post Diwali Donation

Spreading sweetness and smiles at school. Embracing the joy of giving with a delightful diwali sweets and snacks donation!

Cleanliness Drive

Youthful Zeal for a Cleaner Nashik: Elite Club of Nashik Takes Action for a Cleaner Environment.

Join Us Now

Membership Types


Green Membership

  • Members who have joined the club with the reference of other Elitian.
  • Past Elitian of same club or any other Elite club.
  • Membership Period – 1 Year.

Note : Excluded from interview round.


Orange Membership

  • Members who have joined the club without any reference.
  • Membership Period – 1 Year.

Note : Interview Process


Blue Membership

  • Members who have joined the club with the reference of other Elitian, School, College, Institute, etc to take knowledge, experience of social club.
  • To Know more about Elite club.
  • Membership Period 2M/4M/6M (M:Months).

Note : Excluded from interview round.

We welcome youth above 18 Years, who are passionate to serve for the community.
Membership Certificate will be issued according to the type of Membership.

Why us

Be the Changemaker!

We at Elite Club explore the intersection between social issues and academic pursuits. Join us in delving deeper into important topics and fostering meaningful discussions.

Leadership Skills

Club provides a supportive and engaging environment where members can develop their leadership skills and gain valuable experience.


Club creates an opportunity for an individual to think beyond imagination and enhance their creativity.

Special Discounts

Club strives to provide our members with a range of benefits and perks, including discounts for select events. By becoming a member, members can access these benefits and take advantage of opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.

Networking Skills

Club provides a supportive and engaging environment where members can build networking skills and make valuable connections.

Elite Club Gallery

What Our Leader say

Founder Tejas Shirsath
We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and that by coming together as a community, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. Whether you're interested in professional development, community service, or simply having fun with other like-minded individuals, there's a place for you in our club.
Tejas Shirsath
Founder & Chairman

Be the part of our community.

Join us to create a better future.